Selected exhibitions and screenings
Book signing
7.2.2025 Padiglione 26. Stand 17. 3.30pm-5pm
Pietro Reviglio, curated by A. Botta
A monograph on the artist and his work
Texts by A. Botta and A. Diaferio
Ed. Gli Ori, Pistoia, 2024
TURIN - Planetarium
Beyond Infinity
a full-dome film
Screening: May 12, 2024
TURIN - Museum of Astronomy
The Eye of the Universe
Permanent collection and exhibition
PARIS - Signes de Nuit - 17th International Film Festival
European Premiere of Journey of Endless Time
October 9th, 2019
Centre Tchèque de Paris
10 pm
9th Beijing International Film Festival (China)
World Premiere
April 2019
Journey of Endless Time
A giant-screen art film by Pietro Reviglio
China Science and Technology Museum - Beijing
Beijing Planetarium (China)
6th Beijing International Science and Technology Film Festival
Official Selection:
Beyond Infinity
a film by Pietro Reviglio
September 16-23, 2018
Beijing (China)
Cité de l'Espace, Toulose, France
IPS 2018 Dome Film Festival
June 2018
Beyond Infinity - Official Selection
Centro Multimeios de Espinho, Portugal
IFF '17
Immersive Film Festival
1-3 December 2017
Beyond Infinity - Official Selection
Turin Planetarium + Museum of Astronomy and Space
world premiere 3 - 5 November 2017
Fulldome film premiere and discussion on contemporary
art and astrophysics with Prof. A. Diaferio (University of Turin)
at Turin Planetarium/ Museum of Astronomy and Space
U.K. - Foyer Gallery, University for the Creative Arts
A group show curated by Sam Treadaway and Ricarda Vidal
September 1st - October 7th 2017
UCA - Farnham, U.K.
New York - Simon de Pury + Anthology Archives
Benefit and Auction
March 2nd, 2017.
Benefit and auction to support Jonas Mekas' Anthology Film Archives
includes works by Matthew Barney, Christo, Richard Serra, Cindy Sherman, Patti Smith, John Waters, Wim Wenders and many others
Tickets on
Bristol - Hours Gallery
February 3 - 28, 2017
curated by Ricarda Vidal and Sam Treadaway
New York - Sidney Mishkin Gallery (Baruch College)
November 16/December 14, 2016
Photography: Technology + Art
curated by Emily Ackerman
works by:
Manuel Alvarez Bravo, Sarah Charlesworth, Larry Clark, Lucien Clergue, Elliott Erwitt, Walker Evans, Donna Ferrato, Larry Fink, Ralph Gibson, Milt Hinton, Jerome Liebling, Jill Mathis, Joel Meyerowitz, Nicholas Murray, Nadar, Gilles Peress, Eliot Porter, Pietro Reviglio, Robert A. Schaefer Jr, Cindy Sherman, Neal Slavin, Edward Steichen, Leonard Sussman, Andy Warhol, Carrie Mae Weems, Garry Winogrand.
Pictures of the exhibition can be found here.
London - Holland Park L.T.C., Club House
October/December 2016
Pietro Reviglio - Recent Works
Private View: Thursday, October 20, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Club House @ Holland Park Lawn Tennis Club
1 Addison Road, London W14 8DU
(By appointment only)
Taormina - Palazzo Corvaja - July 2016
Dall' Opera al Libro, dal Libro all'Opera, Ezio Gribaudo e i Maestri del 900/ Paola Gribaudo, Libri e Librini.
The book Cinematography of Urban Madness by Pietro Reviglio will be included in the exhibition.
19 luglio / 16 ottobre 2016 , Palazzo Corvaja, Taormina, Italy
London, January 2016 - CHROMA
exhibition + printed edition
Safehouse 1, 139 Copeland St, SE15 3SN, London
January 21-24
London 2015 - Projects
The City and the Mind
a project by Pietro Reviglio in collaboration with Paola Gribaudo, Prof. Shitij Kapur (Dean, Institute of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, King's College, London) , Dr. Lawrence Napper (King's College, Film Studies Dpt), Dr. Mark Shiel (King's College, Film Studies Dpt.)
a project on visual correspondence in collaboration with Dr. Ricarda Vidal (King's College, New Media Dpt) and Sam Treadaway.
Further Away
a project on translatiing between the visual arts and literature in collaboration with Dr. Ricarda Vidal (King's College, New Media Dpt)
May 2014 - studiodieci citygallery (VC, Italy)
Pietro Reviglio/Eleonora Roaro
Instabilità, Equilibrio ed Infinito
a cura di Roberto Mastroianni per la rassegna Katastrofè. La crisi e le sue forme
Dal 3 maggio al 18 maggio 2014, venerdì, sabato, domenica dalle 16,00 alle 19,00
Inaugurazione Venerdì 2 maggio ore 18,00
studiodieci/not for profit/citygallery/Vc
Via Galileo Ferraris 89 – 13100 Vercelli
December 2013 - COLLECTION: Sidney Mishkin Gallery (CUNY, New York)
Untitled #2 from Cinematography of Urban Madness
In the public collection of the Sidney Mishkin Gallery, Baruch College, City University of New York
December 2013 - Fusion Art Gallery (Turin)
Aquae Mundi
a group show curated by Roberto Mastroianni e Walter Vallini.
December 19, 2013 - January 30, 2014
Fusion Art Gallery
P.zza Peyron 9G, Turin
May 2013 - International Art Exhibition (Gabala, Azerbaijan)
A joint project by the Azerbaijan Culture Foundation (ACF) and SEBA (Seoul-Baku) the Azerbaijan-Korean Cultural Exchange Association
March 2013 - CAMeC Museum (Spezia, Italy)
Living in Lift - curated by Walter Vallini and Roberto Mastroianni
Through April 15 - CAMeC Museum, Spezia (Italy)
March 2013 - Fusion Art Gallery (Turin)
Pictorial, photographic and cinematic perspectives of Pietro Reviglio
A retrospective curated by Roberto Mastroianni
Fusion Art Gallery
P.zza Peyron 9g - Turin (Italy)
March 8- April 6 2013
gallery hours: 4.30 pm- 7.30 pm, Tuesday through Saturday
opening reception: March 8th, 7p.m. - 10 p.m.
February 2013 - Castel dell'Ovo Museum (Naples)
Living in lift - part II
Curated by Roberto Mastroianni e Walter Vallini
February 23 - March 6 2013
Castel dell'Ovo - Napoli
Opening: Feb. 23rd at 12.00 p.m.
November 2012 - Palazzo Ducale - Museum (Genoa)
Living in Lift - curated by Walter Vallini e Roberto Mastroianni.
Palazzo Ducale, Genova: 8 - 30 novembre 2012
2012- Milan Image Art Fair (Milan)
Pietro Reviglio: Cinematography of Urban Madness
Friday, May 4 2012 at 6 p.m.
S.T. Foto Libreria Galleria, PAD 5, STAND 1
2012- MLAC (Museo Laboratorio d'Arte Contemporanea) - La Sapienza (Rome)
Research in Art Winners Exhibition.
European prize sponsored by Atomium Culture
MLAC- Università La Sapienza, ROME
Opening: February 1, 2012 at 4 p.m.
January 2012- Palazzo Farnese - French Embassy (Rome)
Research in Art Winners Exhibition.
Sponsored by Atomium Culture
By invitation only from the French Embassy
Official presentation of the project and the winning artworks.
2011 - Blitz Photogallery - Torino (Italy)
Selfportrait - Collettiva di Fotografia
Tra gli altri: Barclay, Bulgini, Isola&Norzi, Pellion di Persano, Romieu.
Blitz Photogallery, Via Bologna 220/25 Torino
Vernissage: venerdì 9 dicembre 2011 ore 18.30
2011 - Biennale di Venezia - Regional Pavilion
Lo Stato dell'Arte - Piemonte
curated by Vittorio Sgarbi, Sergio Anelli
La Castiglia di Saluzzo (CN)
September 26 - November 27, 2011
extended through December 26!
- April-September 2011 - The Italian Academy (Columbia University, New York)
Cinematography of Urban Madness
a solo show by Pietro Reviglio
curated by David Freedberg and Allison Jeffrey
extended through September, 30th 2011
Opening reception and book-signing, Wednesday April 6th, 6p.m. - 8 p.m.
@Columbia University, 1161 Amsterdam Avenue, New York between 116th and 118th Streets
- January 2011 - Weber & Weber Arte Contemporanea - Torino (Italy)
Cinematography of Urban Madness
A solo show by Pietro Reviglio
January 11th - February 16th 2011
curated by Alberto Weber
Weber & Weber Arte Contemporanea, v. San Tommaso 7, Torino, Italy, Martedi'-Sabato 3.30 pm - 7.30 pm. Tel: +39-011-19500694
Opening reception and book signing of the volume Cinematography of Urban Madness, curated by Paola Gribaudo for the disegnodiverso series : January 11th 6pm - 9 pm
- November 2010 - A-forest Project International Group Show - Barcelona (Spain)
A-forest Project International Art Exhibition
@ Galeria CON- Carrer del Fonollar 12 08003 Barcelona
November 23rd - December 4th 2010
Opening reception November 25th 7.30 p.m.- 10.30 p.m.
- November 2010 - Allegretti Contemporanea (Torino) & Franz Paludetto (Roma)
H. Pitz P.Stadtbaumer, F. Rasma, J.Drescher, S. Astore, K. Kneffel, P. Apfelbaum, W. Schleghel, M. Odenbach, A. Schon, C. Hofer, W. Engelbrecht, F. Gonzalez-Torres, P. Reviglio, M. Cahn, G. Williams, B. Ghiotti, M. D'Alessandro, A. Exner, D. Spoerri, A. Mondino, N. Luca', A. Delfino, P.Pascali, C. Bernardini, t. Rapisarda, H. Nitsch, A. Doberauer, B. Prinz, S. Ragalzi, P. Martelli, H. Hlavata, G. Piacentino, D. Perego, M. Taioli, W. Siem
Allegretti Contemporanea, V. San Francesco D'Assisi, 14, Torino (Italy)
November 3rd - November 7th, 6 p.m.-10.30 p.m.
- September 2010 - Museo Giovio - Como (Italy)
Net-art Project curated by Associazione Micron, sponsored by the Italian Government.
Opening reception: September 30th 2010, 4 p.m.
Show dates: September 30th - October 3rd
Address: P.zza Medaglie d'Oro, 1 Como
May 2010 - MAO - Museo d'Arte Orientale - Turin (Italy)GEMINE MUSE 2010: pathways of young artists in Italian cities between history and art
Statement - Testo
Guardiani del Tempo (Guardians of Time)
auroraMeccanica, Cornelia Badelita, Pietro Reviglio.
Curated by Maria Teresa Roberto
Opening reception: May 15th 2010, 6 p.m. - Sabato 15 Maggio ore 18
Address: via San Domenico, 11 - Torino
January 2010 - Museum of Italian Contemporary Art - Permanent Collection - Castle of Rivara (Italy)
Address: Progetto Museo d'Arte Contemporanea Italiana 1985-2009, Castello di Rivara - Piazza Sillano, 2 - Rivara (Torino), Italy
September 2009 - Center for Contemporary Art - Castle of Rivara (Italy)PHYSIKA - a solo show by Pietro Reviglio
Curated by Franz Paludetto e Diletta Benedetto
Address: Castello di Rivara - Centro d'Arte Contemporanea. Piazza Sillano, 2 - Rivara (Torino), Italy
Show dates:September 18th through November 16th 2009.
Opening reception September 18th at 6 pm
August 2009 - Ishida Taiseisha Hall - Kyoto (Japan)
A-forest Gallery International Group Show.
Address: Daimonji-cho Ave, Kyoto.
Show dates: August 4th to the 12th
Opening Reception: August 8th 2009
Curated by Eitoku Sugimori
February 2009 - Casa Toesca - Rivarolo (Turin, Italy)
"Cosa ti sei messa in testa" - Collettiva di Arte Contemporanea -Artecreativa42 - Casa Toesca.
Carlo Barbero, Mat Bruzzone, Emilio Calcio, Francesco Casorati, Ferdinando Eandi, Luigi Farina, Vincenzo Gatti, Jim Hake, Renzo Igne, Anna Lequio, Pino Mantovani, Teresio Polastro, Francesco Preverino, Giorgio Ramella, Pietro Reviglio, Piero Ruggeri, Sergio Saccomandi, Giacomo Soffiantino, Elisabetta Viarengo, Alma Zoppegni
Curated by Livio Girivetto & Karin Chiono Reisova
Address: via Ivrea 42, Rivarolo (Torino), Italy.
Show Dates: February 14th 2009 - March 8th 2009
Opening reception: February 14th 2009, 5 p.m.
November 2008 - A-forest Project International Show - London (U.K.)
Aesthetic Encounter in London - A-forest Gallery International Art Exhibition at the Lennox Gallery, London
Curators: Eitoku Sugimori, David Filmore, Greg Howell
Opening Reception: Tuesday November 25th 2008 at 6 pm
Show Dates: November 25th to the 30th
Gallery hours: Tues.- Sun.11 a.m - 7 p.m.
Address: The Lennox Gallery, 77 Moore Park Road, London, SW6 2HH, U.K., tel: +44(0)2077367517
Event Website: Aesthetic Encounter in London
June 2008 - A-forest Gallery, New York"Invigoration": Galvao, Koyama & Reviglio.
Three-person show at A-forest Gallery, 134W 29th Street, Suite 1010, New York, NY (between 6th and 7th Avenue)
Curated by Eitoku Sugimori.
Opening Reception: Saturday June 7th, 6-8pm
Show runs from June 5th through the 20th.
Gallery Hours: Tues-Sat. 11.30a.m.-5.30p.m., Sundays by appointment
Tel. 212-6731168
Fax. 866-2118475
June 2008 - OUTPUT - New YorkGroup Show curated by Marianne Devine
address: 147 Front Street, Dumbo, Brooklyn.
Show dates: from June 5th to July 16th.
April 2008 Louise Bourgeois' Sunday Salon''Orange House'' and ''Pene'' presented to Louise Bourgeois, Robert Storr and Robert Buck at her townhouse in Chelsea.
March 2008 - HOBY NY Metro Silent Art Auction - New YorkGallerybar, 120 Orchard Street, New York, NY
May 2007 Columbia University CWRC - New YorkGroup Show curated by Leah McCoskely
address: 16 E. 60th Street, Suite 480, New York
show dates: May 15th - August 15th
November 2006 - The Art Students League of New YorkGroup Show
Address: 215W 57th St. New York, NY
show dates: November 10th- 25th